Peace Lovers’ Pain

Constant unrest and conflict are around us, inside us. Misunderstandings give birth to wars among people and peoples, The peace lovers’ lives may be less conflicted superficially, but they fight their constantly grinding internal wars instead.

5 min read

Happiness’ Hideout

Happiness is hiding. In every breath we take, there’s a glint of happiness we’ve ceased to notice. The silent smile about being here, living, experiencing emotions and the colours of life has left us early on. Hunting for pain, searching for bad news, failures and issues we are, having lost the once playful cheer of childhood’s innate wisdom.

5 min read

Fleeting Time

Time is fleeting, racing — towards a new morning, a new ocean of dreams. A plaything of this craze we are. Lives and emotions flying by, imagery which may be soon forgotten.

4 min read

Perfectionist’s Crushing

When the mind grows empty and receptive, tranquility and creative dreams rush in — unless the perfectionist’s hunger is craving for a different meal, deprived of all healthiness.

4 min read

Selective Sighlence

Eyes closed, he woke up. Something had changed around him, something had left. Someone. Forever, without notice. Never to open her eyes again.

2 min read

Suspected Spring

It started with a shy look around the cold corner of winter. There it was, a small glow of warming light, an extended ray of sunshine ignoring the laws of space-time, just bending itself around an icy crystal in the backyard of winter. Was it looking for something?

4 min read