Demotivational Disruption

Walking through our daily lives, we rarely stop and wonder: Why are we acting all all? What is the driving force, the motivation, the force pushing us onward on the path we are strolling down? The daily rat race keeps us going, but it’s only a symptom of external force. Is there also real motivation we draw energy from?

6 min read

Hurdly Hamster Wheel

Struggling helplessly in the daily hustle and bustle. Switching from one call to another, one mail to the next, drowning, not finishing before the next task arrives. Losing focus, losing energy, losing the dream; forgetting the pursuit of happiness. How to escape?

5 min read

Endless Destruction

All of a sudden, nature strikes back. Protected memories, kept in a safe haven, destroyed in mere minutes, along with the home, the place to live. Everything lost and replaced by a boundless solastalgia.

4 min read

Targetless Sorrow

Uncalled for, but not unbeknownst, a silent sorrow fights its way into our hearts. A sorrow longing for a missing fragment. An unnerving melancholy, unfolding like a forlorn nostalgia carried over from a past life.

6 min read

Frosty Silence

A hushing cold was embracing us. Freezing, calming down the buzzing activities of all human beings. A frosty silence, a forlorn remembrance, putting the hustle and bustle to a sudden, temporary halt.

4 min read

Colours of Past

Time rushes by, people walk past — only memories remain, fading away. Into nothingness? What remains when pictures become grey? Is their life gone, all traces of the drawings lost?

5 min read